What's Going On?

I'm writing this on June 11, 2021, the day we're opening up the Province of Ontario from the Covid Stay at Home orders that have accompanied the third wave of this life-changing scourge. Is it safe yet? Can we come out to play? 
Only time will tell as we cautiously step out our doors to spend time with friends, do normal stuff, and dare to think about hugging each other once again. This whole thing started, officially, on March 17, 2020. It's been a nightmare.
So what has happened since then? We've learned to distinguish between conspiracy theories and the best version of the truth at any point in time. We've learned how to adapt to major disruptions in commerce, culture and social norms. We've become either overly friendly and grateful or overly angry, or maybe just somewhere in between?
For me, I've turned off the nightly news and retreated to the sanctuary that is Sweet Grass Farm, where I can hug the animals and forget about social distancing. Chores haven't changed. Life is busy with five horses, six cats, two hens and a rooster. Covid means nothing to them. They can't relate. That makes it easier to carry on with something normal, granted, with a low-grade anxiety running in the background at all times.
It's been a wonderful chance to dig deep into horse training and psychology, the combination becoming horse philosophy. The tides are turning once again and revealing some amazing depth and insight into the equine that isn't new but it's new that it's become mainstream. I can't wait to see, coming out of this pandemic, how people and horsemanship may have changed? Not having competitions has meant that many have been able to spend their time with their horse in other ways. It has been an incredible opportunity for growth.
I've been doing a lot of posting on Facebook, both on my personal page and on the Horse Basics page. I have taken it as my duty to post positive and entertaining photos and stories from the farm. I hope they have helped to keep a smile on your face and have taken you away, even for a few brief moments, to feel the joy of our herd and farm and to share a giggle.

Sweet Grass Farm is open once again near Orton, Ontario, for visitors to explore our obstacles and trails. Coaching is available. For more details visit the Horse Basics tab on this website. 

We've almost made it. Hang in there.

Questions or comments?  Contact me at karen.dallimore (@) gmail.com or call/text 519-855-1127.
Follow me on Facebook at 'Karen Dallimore' or 'Horse Basics' or on Twitter @HorsebackWriter